Thursday, October 31, 2013


Baseball is a bat-and-ball game played between two teams of nine players who take turns batting and fielding.

The offense attempts to score more runs than its opponents by hitting a ball thrown by the pitcher with a bat and moving counter-clockwise around a series of four bases: first, second, third and home plate. A run is scored when the runner advances around the bases and returns to home plate.

Players on the batting team take turns hitting against the pitcher of the fielding team, which tries to prevent runs by getting hitters out in any of several ways. A player on the batting team can stop at any of the bases and later advance on a teammate's hit or other means. The teams switch between batting and fielding whenever the fielding team records three outs. One turn at bat for both teams, beginning with the visiting team, constitutes an inning, and nine innings a game. The team with the most runs at the end of the game wins.

offense                counter-clockwise              series                  bases

______________ This is the term of the team attempting to score points.

______________ This refers to when something moves by making a left terns to make a circle.

______________ This is a group of events that it part of one larger unit.

______________ This is a bag that represents station on a baseball field.

Grammar point:

A blend, in morphology, is a word formed from parts of two or more words. In this sense blending is a process, among other processes, of creating new words.   Baseball is an example.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry on baseball. It could use a visual -- a baseball stadium, a video clip of a game being played, etc.
